Who's Bad?

It's so good to be bad!

I used to live a life of anger. If I see something I don't want, I become easily irritated. At times, I even go out looking for fights. I even bully some people just for the fun of it. That is until I met God.

Man was created in God's own image and likeness, and anything bad in man did not come from Him. That is why it felt good to be back in God's arms, to be with Him and to follow Him. It is like being transformed into what God deigned me to be, and not the sinner that I become.

Saul of Tarsus also encountered the same kind of "transfiguration" when he lost his sight on the way to Damascus. When his sight was regained, he became one of Jesus' greatest champion by spreading the good news wherever he can.

Everybody can change, Jesus made sure of that. All we have to do is to accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior. Let His light be our guide in everything we do. Let it be a lamp unto our feet to lead us back to everlasting life.

Not all sinners become saints, but all saints were once sinners.
